Environmental Risk Assessment - Manufacturing Company

Industry Sector General
Business Speciality General
Title Environmental Risk Assessment - Manufacturing Company


The process follows an identification, evaluate and improve platform.

EnviroRisk's environmental risk specialists identify and evaluate risk (either on a quantitative or semi-quantitative basis). Risks are tabulated with measures to mitigate either the severity of frequency of the risk rated and ranked for action. Wherever possible pictorial representation is provided to illustrate the risk.

Risk and Compliance Example -



Compliance Reporting - NPI Online Reporting Tool

Industry Sector General
Business Speciality General
Title Compliance Reporting - NPI Online Reporting Tool

For the past seven (7) years EnviroRisk Management specialists have conducted NPI reporting for over 30 sites across a range of businesses including: textile manufacturing, packaging, quarrying, dairy, food, agribusiness and chemical processing.

We have prepared an in-house spreadsheet to facilitate reporting and keep consulting costs down. This includes NPI handbook updates and transfers. We also run NPI training seminars through the Australian Environment Business Network (AEBN).

One construction company required assessment across several sites across Australia for fuel threshold trigger (400 tonne diesel and 1 tonne per hour explosives) and greater that 10 tonnes substance handling (manganese, nickel). Draft reports were prepared comparing sites before completion of the API on-line reporting (OLR) system.

Questions from the relevant EPA's often arise due to changes in emission levels. EnviroRisk's service continues until these are cleared up - usually 1x phone call.


EPA Licence Compliance Reporting - Annual Report Sawmill

Industry Sector Building Materials
Business Speciality Sawmill
Title EPA Licence Compliance Reporting - Annual Report Sawmill

A major building materials company with facilities across Australia engaged EnviroRisk Management to provide an Environmental Compliance Program that would not only assist their business and facilities stay up to date with current environmental improvement.

EnviroRisk Management implemented an effective program that since its inception 8 years ago has meant the company has not received a fine for environmental non-compliance.

The comprehensive Environmental Compliance Program included the following:

  • Conducted Tri-Annual (once every 3 years) Risk and Compliance Audits of main operations sites and provided a 'significance score' of conformance with legislation, guidelines, and Corporate Policy.
  • Completion of an annual 'spot audit' to track improvement and provide feedback to Management on 'new or evolving issues'.
  • Provided quarterly environmental reviews and support on Audit action plans to site Management.
  • Prepared a matrix of 'legal and other requirements' for each site against significant aspects to detail existing compliance requirements.
  • Screened published legislation changes (including Codes, Regulations, Policies, Guidelines and information likely to be of interest) in the states of Australia where the businesses operated and provided a quarterly update service on recently enacted legal and other requirements.

The quarterly update discussed the technical items within the legislation and how they might apply to the businesses activities. Recommendations for updates to procedures were also provided.

  • Delivered an up-coming issues presentation to each site on an Annual basis summarising changes in environmental legislation and developments likely to impact operations.
  • Performed an annual reporting function for Licence conditions in the form of an Environmental Compliance Report to Senior Management (and regulatory body of necessary) for all sites holding EPA Approval.
  • When needed, provided technical support to prepare or interpret reports on groundwater, stormwater monitoring, air monitoring, NPI reporting etc.
  • Provided telephone support/enquiries assistance form sites related to compliance/approvals/EPA dealings.



EPA Approved Auditor Report - Recycled Water (Dual Pipe Guideline)

Industry Sector Services
Business Speciality Water
Title EPA Approved Auditor Report - Recycled Water (Dual Pipe Guideline)

Dual Pipeline recycled water schemes require an Audit within 12 months of operation. Stephen Jenkins undertook an audit on the scheme to Melbourne's North with the objective of establishing whether the system functioned in a manner that protects human health and operates without an unacceptable risk of harm to the environment.

An Audit team comprising Stephen Jenkins, Simon Leverton and Annette Davision undertook the audit of the Water Authorities Health and Environment Management Plan and accompanying RWQMP and EMP. These plans had earlier been endorsed by the EPA and DHS.

The outcome confirmed appropriate management of the recycled water system to protect human health and the environment. Some opportunities for improvement were identified to facilitate continuous improvement.


EPA Auditor Sign-off - EPA Works Approval

Industry Sector Manufacturing
Business Speciality Plywood Mill
Title EPA Auditor Sign-off - EPA Works Approval

The Works Approval prepared for the Carter Holt Harvey $50 million Plywood Mill upgrade was signed off by Stephen Jenkins in the capacity of EPA Auditor.

The use of an Auditor resulted in a 25% cost saving in the statutory application fees.

However the main benefit was a rapid assessment through the EPA. Approval was received within 8 weeks of lodging the application and the Audit report - prepared and signed off by Stephen Jenkins as meeting Best Practice and State Environment Protection Policies.



Section 53V Audit - EPA Risk of Harm Notice

Industry Sector Manufacturing
Business Speciality Malt
Title Section 53V Audit - EPA Risk of Harm Notice

EnviroRisk Management principle Stephen Jenkins, responded to a request to undertake a s.53V 'risk of harm' to water audit under the Environment Protection Abatement Notice on a maltster.

A risk of harm to water beneficial uses was identified following a risk assessment process. The risk of harm was largely present by organic wastes. The audit outcome specified that improved first flush collection, systems and maintenance upgrade and a monitoring program to gauge the effectiveness of controls were warranted.

The audit took 2 months to complete and involved the Regional EPA, the EPA Audit group and the Council as stakeholders.


Approval - Manufacturing $50 million expansion (Industrial Upgrade)

Industry Sector Manufacturing
Business Speciality Plywood Mill
Title Approval - Manufacturing $50 million expansion (Industrial Upgrade)

EnviroRisk Management were responsible for obtaining EPA Works Approval and Council Planning Permit associated with a $50m plywood mill in Myrtlewood Victoria. The approval was complex with noise, air, water and resource management issues.

EnviroRisk Management facilitated the community engagement process including neighbour meetings and a public display.

An excellent submission was provided by EnviroRisk Management as Approval was received from both EPA and Alpine Council in a very tight timeframe of under 3 months post lodgement of applications.

Community Flyer cover used during engagement.


Approval - Mining $20 million Green fields (Regional Quarry)

Industry Sector Mining
Business Speciality Quarry Rock
Title Approval - Mining $20 million Green fields (Regional Quarry)

EnviroRisk Management were the project managers for a $20 million green field mining development in central Victoria. The project involved approvals for Federal (DEWHA), State (DPI, DSE, EPA, CMA) and local Council. Ten (10) specialist consultants were engaged to assist with flora, fauna, noise, air quality, slope stability, water, groundwater, traffic, agriculture, legal, visual and cultural studies. The project involved Ministerial briefings and an extensive consultation program including on-going dealings with a community 'Friends' group opposing the development.

Native vegetation warranted extensive offset area protected under a S.175 Title agreement.



 Environmental Audit - Leading Manufacturer

Industry Sector Manufacturing
Business Speciality Wood
Title Environmental Audit - Leading Manufacturer

As part of a 3 yearly internal audit program across the company (over 30 sites included), an Environmental Management (EMS, Risk and Compliance) Audit aligned to ISO 14001 was undertaken early 2010. All EnviroRisk's Certified Auditors, including Stephen Jenkins, Simon Leverton, Lok Nethercott and Lee Armstrong were involved with the audit program.

The audit was the third over a 10 year period and tracked improvements made to systems and risk controls both by a graphical and numeric 'score card' and by prioritisation of improvement recommendations.

The audit commended the company on progress made with their system and risk management; the site achieving an overall score of 85%.


EMS Audit - Water Industry

Industry Sector Public Services
Business Speciality Water
Title EMS Audit - Water Industry

A comprehensive EMS gap analysis an improvement audit against the c clients already ISO 14001 certified system was undertaken by EnviroRisk's lead Auditor Simon Leverton.

The Client required an evaluation of how well the system was functioning and areas requiring bolstering.

The 5 day audit reviews over 10 different sites and identified several improvement opportunities and system gaps that had developed. Outcomes fed into the improvement program enabling confidence with the re-certification process.



Site Contamination - Historic Pesticide Legacy

Industry Sector Manufacturing
Business Speciality Wood Products
Title Site Contamination - Historic Pesticide Legacy

EnviroRisk Management undertook a detailed investigation into historic Dieldrin/Aldrin soil and creek sediment impact. Assessment followed production of a Voluntary Management Plan passed through NSW DECCW.

Approximately 15,000 tonnes of impacted soil warrant management within a creek setting. A risk assessment previously identified residual organo-chlorine pesticides, sourced by erosion and historic spillage, represented a risk of harm to the freshwater ecology and warranted remediation.

The project continues and to-date has involved: delineating soil and sediment impact, water quality assessment. Regulatory (DECCW, Council) and neighbouring community engagement, evaluation of remediation/management options and preparation of a Remediation Action Plan to progress remedial works over a 2 year period.



Site Remediation - Property Divestment

Industry Sector Mining
Business Speciality Mining
Title Site Remediation - Property Divestment

EnviroRisk designed and managed landfarm bio-remediation of diesel and petrol impacted soils (as a result of underground fuel storage tank leakage). The landfarm process occurred for a 12 month period with final validation allowing the remediated soil to be used on-site.

If time (and space) is available, the landfarm biodegradation process resulted in a cost saving of over $50,000 against landfill disposal.



Site Contamination Assessment - Soil and Groundwater

Industry Sector Manufacturing
Business Speciality Building Materials
Title Site Contamination Assessment - Soil and Groundwater

A buildings material company engaged EnviroRisk to conduct a Site Contamination Assessment to determine the presence of contaminants in soil and groundwater that may have historical manufacturing activities.

The assessment was conducted in compliance with the National Environment Protection (Assessment of Site Contamination) Measure (the NEPM), 1999 and involved the following:

  • Development of a comprehensive Sampling and Analysis Program in accordance with AS 4482 to provide reliable and representative capturing of potential soil and groundwater conditions at the site.
  • Sampling locations were selected based on information obtained and evaluated as part of a previous Phase 1 Environmental Site Contamination Assessment.
  • A total of ninety-two soil samples and nine groundwater samples were taken and sent to NATA certified laboratories for analysis of a range of potential inorganic and organic contaminants.

Soil and groundwater samples were collected using the following equipment:

  • A hydraulically operated drill rig and concrete coring equipment to bore through cement in manufacturing floor
  • A backhoe was used to construct a test pits within open yard areas
  • Groundwater samples were collected using low-flow equipment

Project Outcome:

A detailed Phase 2 Site Contamination Assessment Report allowing the client to make informed management decisions. The report included the following:

  • Hydrocarbon impact identified, characterised and mapped
  • Groundwater subjected to risk assessment (including flow direction, rate and background metal concentrations)
  • Groundwater Natural Attenuation options evaluated
  • Comprehensive report and determination presented to EPA Auditor for sign off

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