The development of mining operations whether they be a green field mining development or expansion of an existing operation require approval from the respective mineral resource, planning and environmental authorities at a commonwealth, state and local government level.
These approvals can be detailed and complex having to address a broad range of mineral resource, environmental, planning and community issues including:
- Available mineral reserves and operations;
- Any community impact from dust, noise, blasting/vibration, and visual amenity;
- Any impact on the surface water and groundwater environments;
- Cultural heritage;
- Flora and fauna impact;
- Traffic management;
- Community consultation; and
- Rehabilitation
EnviroRisk Management can provide project management and technical assistance for these Approvals.
Our network of specialists is available to undertake the required assessments and prepare all the documentation required by the Approval process including:
- Preparation and submission of Work Plans, Mining Lease Proposals, Environmental Management Plans (EMP), and Plans for the Protection of the Environment and Rehabilitation (PEPR);
- Conducting and managing various supporting assessments including:
- Flora, Fauna and Net Gain / Significant Environmental Benefit (SEB) Assessments;
- Cultural heritage assessments and Cultural Heritage Management Plans (CHMP’s)
- Environmental noise assessments inclusive of blasting and vibration;
- Air emissions monitoring and modelling;
- Geotechnical assessments;
- Hydrological and hydrogeological assessments; and
- GIS and mapping;
- Environmental Impact or Effects Statement / Assessment (EIS/EES/EIA);
- Preparation and submission of Planning Permits / Development Approvals, and
- Environment Protection Authority (EPA) Works Approvals
During the development of applications, there are a number of necessary meetings with regulatory bodies and the community. EnviroRisk Management has considerable experience with regulatory dealings, coordinating community briefings and responding to technical enquiries.
Proven experience is available for mining development approvals across Australia.
If a proposed development will result in a discharge into the environment (air, water or land) or if an expansion of an existing facility is going to alter the discharge, it is likely an environmental approval (eg. EIS, Planning, EPA Works Approvals) will be required.
Environmental approvals require an impact assessment that highlights issues that will interact with the environment/community. Issues include:
- increased waste,
- traffic number increases,
- emissions and discharges,
- noise levels,
- aesthetics,
- habitat conservation/restoration etc.
The documentation may be open to public review and comment.
The Approval process is designed to address potential pollution issues, community concerns and environmental management issues prior to commencing with the development or expansion.
EnviroRisk Management can provide the technical assistance in gaining regulatory approvals including Planning Approvals and Environmental (EPA) Approvals. EnviroRisk Management’s network of specialists are available to undertake the required assessments and prepare all the documentation required by the Approval process; be it an
- Environmental Impact Statement/ Assessment (EIS/ EIA),
- Development Consent,
- Planning Environmental Management Plan (EMP) or
- Environment Protection Authority (EPA) Works Approval.
During the development of applications, there are a number of necessary meetings with regulatory bodies and the community. EnviroRisk Management has vast experience with regulatory dealings and responding to technical enquiries.
Experience is available for EPA and planning approval information, including an EIS/EIA processes for industrial developments and expansions in Victoria and New South Wales.